As the switches are moved or the buttons are pressed, the seven-segment display is updated to reflect the numeric output frequency, and the output pin(s) are driven at the desired frequency. The onboard clock runs at 50MHz, and the signal on the output pins is set on the rising edge of the clock input signal (positive edge-triggered). At 50MHz, the output pins can be toggled at a maximum rate of 50 million cycles per second or 25 million rising edges of the clock per second. An LED attached to one of the output pins would blink 25 million times per second, not recognizable to the human eye. The persistence of vision, which is the time the human eye retains an image after it disappears from view, is approximately 1/16th of a second. Therefore, an LED blinking at 25 million times per second would appear as a continuous light to the human eye.
scaler <= compute_prescaler((to_integer(unsigned( SW )))*scaler_mlt);
gpiopulse_process : process(CLOCK_50, KEY(0))
if (KEY(0) = '0') then -- async reset
count <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then
if (count = scaler - 1) then
state <= not state;
count <= 0;
elsif (count = clk50divider) then -- auto reset
count <= 0;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process gpiopulse_process;
The scaler signal is calculated using the compute_prescaler function, which takes the value of a switch (SW) as an input, multiplies it with a multiplier (scaler_mlt), and then converts it to an integer using to_integer. This scaler signal is used to control the frequency of the pulse signal generated on the output pin.It is important to note that concurrent statements within an architecture are executed concurrently, meaning that they are evaluated concurrently and in no particular order. However, the sequential statements within a process are executed sequentially, meaning that they are evaluated in order, one at a time. Processes themselves are executed concurrently with other processes, and each process has its own execution context.